Volunteer and Development Opportunities
YPCI exists to support the growth of young professionals in the community through professional development, and philanthropy. We strongly believe that the best way to grow ourselves is to give back to our community. We invite our members to volunteer with local organizations to continue making Indianapolis such a great place to live. Below, you will find several current opportunities to volunteer with us.
YPCI & Kids for Christmas
YPCI is proud to be teamed up with the Salvation Army and adopted 3 Christmas Angels. Ryleigh (10), Derek (7), and Jaxson (6) need our help with some presents this year. Please click here or use the QR Code below to help make these three children’s a Christmas to remember. The deadline to buy gifts for Ryleigh, Derek, and Jaxson is December 2nd!
TechPoint’s Holiday Snack Pack
Join TechPoint and United Way of Central Indiana to support kids in need in our community this holiday season. Please join us by clicking here
Saws Ramps
Takes place on Saturday's. Some of the open builds have 6-8 spaces open and are first come, first serve. The website is www.sawsramps.volunteerhub.com.