Come join the largest young professional group in Indianapolis with 500+ members


  • Free access and two complimentary drinks at all 10 Happy Hours. (Non-Members: $15 per event)

  • Free access, coffee, and pastries at 12 Coffee at the Top events. (Non-Members: $10 per event)

  • Exclusive member discounts and two complimentary drinks during all 4 High Perspective events.

  • Exclusive discounts on major programming events, including charity golf tournament and charity gala.

  • Access to exclusive discussion with some of the top leaders in the state.

  • Access to volunteer opportunities and community projects.

  • Access to our monthly newsletter and social platforms.

  • Access to the largest young professional network in Central Indiana of 500+ members.


Our commitment remains to provide you and your peers with the highest quality and most diverse networking platform the city has to offer. With your engagement, YPCI had a record year in 2021. We hosted more events than ever before, exceeded 500 members, and raised approximately $12,000 for local not-for-profits in 2021. Our goal is to increase that impact and to be able to provide you with even more value. 

If you have questions, review our FAQs or email

We appreciate you, and hope to see you at our next event!


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